As His dear children, God desires for us to have an encounter
with Him, that divine engagement, a meeting of hearts and commune with Him
under the terebinth tree. A people with
His substance, expressing obedience, being grateful, having a humble heart,
reflecting His character. His grace is
implanted in us as followers of Him, when we live by faith. As His children faith, hope and love
abounds. His seed remains in us. The Lord regenerates His people. The definition of regeneration is "that which is born of God, preserved His". His light is sown for righteousness and
gladness for the upright of heart (Psalm 97v11, 12).
The terebinth tree is our hiding place in Him, rooted and
grounded in His love and fulfilling His promise. In Isaiah 61v3 the word terebinth is
translated as “trees of righteousness”.
It denotes strength and power, it also means pillar. This exemplifies the greatness of
Christ. We can be become deeply rooted
in Jesus and extend out and stretch our tent and move forward, the Holy Spirit
within us to guide and direct our path.
As Christ’s ambassadors we are to be firmly planted in His Word, praising
Him in everything we do.
Psalm 96 v12-13
faithful and firmly grounded and rooted in His love, shining the light of Jesus. As His
holy seed we will be preserved according to His grace.
The terebinth tree has a very substantial and deep root system. It can therefore remain green even in years
of drought. It often sprouts from the
stump after being cut as noted in Isaiah 6v13.
The holy seed is its stump, the trunk.
Jesus that holy seed saved us. He
is the true vine and we are the branches.
He made it possible for us to receive the promised seed when we become
Children of God, that seed of Jesus became implanted in us.
Isaiah 11v1 There shall come forth a root out of the stem of
Jesse and a branch shall grow out of its roots.
Jesus, our Messiah is that rallying person. He is preserving His remnant, like the tenth,
His holy seed will shoot forth and branches of righteousness shall arise (Isaiah
61v3). He is restoring life to the roots. The terebinth tree symbolizes that new
Every tree is known by its fruit. We are to be firmly planted in the Messiah,
being firmly grafted into Him. (Psalm 92V13-15)