Thursday, 29 January 2015


"His Royal Diadem"
Pam Finlay
Acrylic on Canvas

30 January 2015
I was led into my art room yesterday. I had received the words "Royal Diadem" when I arose that morning.  The scripture that came in was from Isaiah 62:3, His assurance of His unfailing love.  Jesus has sealed us and given us the Spirit in our hearts as a guarantee of things to come.  Pure devotion.  His royal diadem is a symbol of royalty.  The colours that were chosen for the painting predominantly were purple and blue.  Purple in the bible speaks of royalty and blue the Holy Spirit.  I was sensing that the almond blossoms needed to be placed in the painting as the scripture from Jeremiah 1:11,12 had been on my heart since early in January. The almond branch over the bride, covering the bride like a canopy.  As I commenced painting the drawing I had done of the bride the Holy Spirit told me I was painting Esther as a picture of the Bride of Christ. Esther was renowned for her humility.  She was faithful to God.  On the third day she put on her royal apparel and stood in the inner court of the King.  It's like He's taken me back in time but He's also showing me a picture of where we are heading, that first fruits company of believers( 1 Peter 2:9)with eyes to see, ears to hear and an understanding heart.  The Holy Spirit had me focus on the detail in her eyes and ears for a reason.  When our ears and eyes are open to the Lord heavenly treasures will be revealed.  He is desiring us to come into full bloom and is equipping us, preparing His bride, our whole heart made ready.  I love Jesus with all of my heart, as I sing the sweet perfume of praise unto Him.

Blessings and love

Tuesday, 27 January 2015


O Almond Tree
Pam Finlay
Acrylic on Canvas

O Almond Tree
Awake from your winter sleep, O Almond Tree, put forth your blooms, its blossoming time, illuminated by the fragrance of Jesus.
Jeremiah 1 V11-12
11 The word of the Lord came to me: “What do you see Jeremiah?”  “I see the branch of an almond tree”, I replied.
12 Then the Lord said to me,” You have seen well, for I am watching over My word to perform it...
It’s awakening time.  The almond tree is the first to blossom and the last to bear fruit.  The almond tree is a sign of hope that he will fulfil his promises and that He is ready to perform His word.  He promises restoration.
 Ezekiel 34 v 25-31 The Lord promises spiritual blessing, blessings of grace, peace, righteousness, abundance, showers of blessing. 
That “dew from heaven”, that Holy Ghost mist.  The dew from heaven is symbolic of life, vitality, renewal and strength.
Refreshment, unity, harmony as mentioned in Psalm 133.
The dew brings God’s healing.  The morning dew is God’s delivery system.
Exodus 16 v13-17 For the manna was given by God to his people in the desert on their way to the Promised Land.  This spiritual manna delivered the “dew of Heaven”, “Showers of Blessing” bringing God’s healing.  Zechariah 8 v12   For I am planting seeds of peace and prosperity among you. The grapevines will be heavy with fruit. The earth will produce its crops, and the heavens will release the dew. Once more I will cause the remnant in Judah and Israel to inherit these blessings.
 The cloud is moving.  That dew from heaven, that heavenly mist.  Showers of blessing, the almond tree is in full bloom.

Friday, 9 January 2015


"Green Pastures"
Acrylic on Canvas
January 2015
Pam Finlay

Psalm 23
The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want.  He makes me lie down in green pastures: He leads me beside still and restful waters.
He refreshes and restores my life; He leads me in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake…………..
When you get watered by God you become cleansed, refreshed and healed.  He leads us in that journey to perfection.  The refreshing living water that comes forth from Mount Zion causes the increase. 
1 Corinthians 3:6
“I planted, Apollos watered, but God all the while was making it grow and He gave the increase”.
Watering the seed of God’s Word.  The field can become parched and dry from a long drought but only God can give the increase.  He causes the seed to take root and spring up.  Only God can cause the seed to come alive. God’s truth sown in the centre of your heart, a heart prepared. 
He promises rest and refreshment when we rest in His promises, in the serenity of our Saviour, Jesus Christ. 
That crystal clear river flowing from the throne of God.  The pure, eternal river of life.  Revelation 22:1-2, Revelation 21:10-11. 
It’s crystal clear waters reflect God’s glory in His glistening, eternal stream.   That everlasting life flows from God to His people. 
In the painting the streams coming forth from Mount Zion are merging to become one with the Father.  They symbolize the gathering of souls together, coming into maturity and flowing in the still waters of His love. 
Isaiah 66:12-13
For thus says the Lord:
12 Behold, I will extend peace to her like a river, And the glory of the Gentiles like a flowing stream. Then you shall feed; on her sides shall you be carried and be dandled on her knees
13 As one whom his mother comforts, so I will comfort you; and you shall be comforted in Jerusalem.
The streams which flow from the Fountain of Living Waters, those waters of refreshment.
Those who are led by his comforting still waters walk in His path of righteousness and peace.  The Lord will lead our path. 

May the Lord bless you and comfort you,
Love and Blessings


Saturday, 3 January 2015


"His Dwelling Place"
January 3 2015
Acrylic on Canvas
Pam Finlay
That fresh, new dew in abundance.
Psalm 133:3 As the dew of Hermon, and as the dew that descended upon the mountains of Zion; for there the Lord commanded the blessing, even life for evermore.
The dew first descends upon the higher peaks then it flows down into the lower valleys promising peace, rest, spiritual unity and grace.  That love dripping down from heaven, the pouring out of the oil of gladness.  Soothing, gentle, joyful, restorative, energizing, fragrant, pure.
That dew is eternally refreshing, filling the heart with the Father's love.
Interestingly the word "Hermon" means devoted, sanctified.
Jesus Christ, the head, raining down His love over His dearly devoted ones.
Blessings and love

Friday, 2 January 2015

"Up and out" - Swept up in the wind of the Spirit, like a butterfly emerges in unfurling glory.

"Swept up in unfurling glory"
Pam Finlay
Acrylic on paper
January 2015.
"Up and Out" - Swept up in the wind of the Spirit, like a butterfly emerges in unfurling glory.
The definition of up is: to ascend, to go up, climb, arise.
Out:  to go out, go forth to a place, go forward, proceed to, lead out, deliver, bring out of, emerge.
Arise, wake up, Christ will show you His light.  You reflect His light. 
The colour pink speaks of awakening, purple of our dear love for the King of Kings and Lord of Lords and blue speaks of His breath of life and His pillar of cloud that surrounds us each and every day.
Scriptures that resonate for this painting are:
Mark 1:10
Jesus came up out of the water, he saw the heavens splitting apart and the Holy Spirit descending on Him like a dove.
He went straightway up out of the water.
I Thes 4:16-18
16 For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first
17 After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air.  And so we will be with the Lord forever.
18 Therefore encourage each other with these words.
Jesus promises to bring us out of darkness to live in His marvellous light.
Upwards and Outwards in the Wind of His Spirit.  Lift up your eyes round about you.  Shine your light, let Jesus shine through you. (Isaiah 60:1-5). He is near.
Blessings and love