Wednesday, 29 April 2015


Pam Finlay
Shining Like the Son
Acrylic on Canvas
April 2015

"Jesus is shining His light on us. He is illuminating us with His light"

"Shining like the Son" a painting done early this week of a dream I had on the 19 April just before waking.  This is the first scene in the dream, I am still to paint the second scene in the dream which I mention later in this message.   What a wonderful sight it was to behold.  Jesus appeared to me in the sky in the dream.   The sky looked like it was on fire.  His arms were outstretched and in the dream I was looking up at Him as he appeared in the sky and I turned to a person standing next to me and said to them "can you see Him".  I have just finished painting what I saw.  When I finished painting this afternoon the Holy Spirit led me to the scripture in Ezekiel 43:1-2, - and the earth shined with his glory - those brilliant rays of His glory, shining like the sun, giving light to the earth.  I have also kept meditating upon the scripture in Luke 21:25-28 as when I woke up after the dream I received about signs appearing in the sky.  The second scene of the dream was of leaves that looked like they were encased in bubbles bouncing across the sky and the scripture from Revelation 22:2 was placed in my spirit when I woke up.  The leaves are for the healing of the nations. 

 All I know is that he gave me a beautiful visual picture that will never leave me - the earth glowing with His glory.  I am in awe of God, I love him with all my heart. 

Blessings and love

Saturday, 25 April 2015


"The Five Wise Dancing, Celebrating Jesus"
Pam Finlay
Acrylic on Canvas
April 2015

This painting came like in two waves
The first wave
I saw the five wise virgins praising God dancing.  I proceeded to draw the virgins dancing.  The five wise understand God's grace, and are being continually filled with the flow of the Holy Spirit that moves through and from them.  They have a deep love for the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit manifests the agape love in them to love others.  Living in humility and in purity obeying the Lord and the Lord alone.  His chosen girded with Truth, dedicating their lives to Him, living consecrated lives, shining his light.   The bible mentions in scripture that His people enjoy praising him by dancing.  Psalms 149 and 150 both mention this as does Jeremiah 31:4.  In Psalm 68:25 it speaks of the virgins playing tambourines.   In Exodus 15:20 it speaks of Miriam singing and dancing in a victory celebration.  I meditated upon these scriptures as God was showing me the picture.  His desire is for us to worship Him. 
The second wave
As I started laying paint on the canvas the Holy Spirit led me to paint and the colours that came forth were like as His rainbow.  They moved on the canvas and merged like a rainbow.  I could see the 5 wise dancing through the rainbow, it was like they were becoming the promise.  They were one with the covenant.  Worshiping Him in the dance, celebrating Him, His rainbow covenant, all encompassing.  Filled with His promises, flowing with the Holy Spirit.  God places rainbows in the sky as visual signs relaying his message.  The rainbow is a sign of the covenant between Him and the people on earth.  He is remembering us.  His covenant is everlasting.  His covenant is binding, it is a contract, and it is a promise that requires us to be faithful.  God is faithful.  He desires for us to be His faithful bride.  We are making a vow with Jesus when we enter into his promise, an everlasting promise.  He keeps His promises.    He's changing us from the inside out, our destiny, the fullness of Jesus residing in us.  This is our expectant hope.    He can see the finished work in us.  It has already been inscribed on our hearts.  The metamorphosis has already begun.  We are pregnant with promise.  We have reason to celebrate.  I give God all the glory.  I'm loving Jesus with all of my heart.  

Love and Blessings

Sunday, 19 April 2015

A Love Revolution – True Love That Comes From God


A Love Revolution – True Love That Comes From God

These paintings are appearing to me as in a slideshow.  They started last week and keep manifesting.  Unveiling hidden creativity, the Lord is uncovering lost or stolen talents and reigniting the passion inside the hearts of His beloved.  God is revealing His glory like in a kaleidoscope.  His light is revealing patterns and colours in us that we are only just discovering, like beautiful gems reflecting His glory. 

 The first word I was given was “Retro” which means indicative of a style from the past, a time period of yesteryear, something of the past.  God is a God of restoration.   The colours and sound vibrations create waves of creativity in the atmosphere that push back the powers of darkness.  He is revealing His light to us.  The scripture that I received yesterday was from Psalm 119:105 “Your Word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path”.  He is giving us direction, showing us the path that we are to be on.  He is lighting up our life with His Word. 

I was also drawn to the scripture in Revelation 19 where it mentions of the sound in heaven – giving all praise, honour and glory to God. 
Revelation 19:1 
After these things I heard a loud voice of a great multitude in heaven, saying “Alleluia! Salvation and glory and honour and power belong to the Lord our God!
And again this sound in Revelation 19:6  And I hear, as it were, the voice of a great multitude, as the sound of many waters and as the sound of mighty thunderings, say “Alleluia! For the Lord God Omnipotent reigns!

 Interesting when I looked up the meaning of the word “revolution” it means to rotate like a wheel – His spinning wheel of love.  God is calling his people to be his love revolutionaries here on earth, transforming the earth by loving others, manifesting His love.   People who are loved by Him, loving others. 

The word “revolution” also means a change in place or structures that takes place in a relatively short time period, a constitution completely changed from one to another.   He is overturning the man-made structures that are hindering this progress and He is establishing His government here on earth.  Something new is taking place.  A connection is happening in communities, they are becoming communities of faith, fuelled by His love.  The centre of the wheel is the hub.  Jesus is at the centre of the wheel and He is taking care of it all.  

I give thanks to the Lord and enjoy making melody to Him with all my heart.  I give all praise, glory and honour to Him.

Blessings and love