Wednesday, 28 December 2016


Pam Finlay
"Blossoms Within the Heart"
Acrylic on Canvas
December 2016

In the world there can be false peace.  God’s peace is internal, not external.   The Prince of Peace is our peace and His peace we will find when we seek the garden within.  The heart is where our God is and He desires to blossom there.

The two flowers Holy Spirit gave for this painting are the Lily of the Valley and the Poppy.  The Lily is symbolic of purity and the red Poppy of remembrance. Look how far the Lord has bought you and remember where your help comes from. The Poppies grow among the olive trees.  Both of these flowers are known for springing up out of the earth suddenly and flourishing.  When we ask Jesus into our life He gives us new life. He causes us to spring forth and flourish.   He waters our garden with His Holy Spirit and He clothes us with His beauty and His fragrance.  Praise Him for all that He is doing.  He is a marvellous God. 

God took me to the book of Hosea and Song of Solomon where His message rings loud and clear. 

This scripture is a promise of God’s blessing
Hosea 14: 5 I will be to Israel, like a refreshing dew from heaven.  Israel will blossom like the lily; it will send roots deep into the soil like the cedars of Lebanon
6 Its branches will spread out like beautiful olive trees, as fragrant as the cedars of Lebanon (NLT)

Song of Solomon 2:2 Yes, you are my darling companion, You stand out from all the rest.  For though the curse of sin surrounds you, Still you remain pure as a lily, Even more than all others (TPT)

 Matthew 6:28 So why worry about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil or spin (NKJV)

 Job 14:9 Yet at the scent of water it will bud and bring forth branches like a plant(NKJV)

 Isaiah 61:11 For as the earth brings forth its bud, as the garden causes the things that are sown in it to spring forth, so the Lord GOD will cause righteousness and praise to spring forth before all nations(NKJV)

God’s Kingdom come, His will be done on earth as it is in heaven.  We can infuse the world like a refreshing dew with His peace as ambassadors of His Kingdom.


Monday, 26 December 2016


"Sound Waves"
Pam Finlay
Acrylic on Paper
December 2016

I wondered what butterfly I had been given to paint this morning until I looked through a book I own called “One Hundred Butterflies” by Harold Feinstein.  I found it right there on the pages of the book except it was not a butterfly but a moth, a “Madagascan Sunset Moth” to be exact.  There is always something new to learn about God’s creation every day. 

On discovery I found that these are unique moths in that they are “diurnal” meaning that they come out during the day and not at night like most moths. Because of this they are often mistaken for butterflies, especially because of their stunning coloured wings.  Predators can’t touch them because they eat food that is poisonous to their predators.  One smart moth.  It’s their large wings that get them noticed.   The iridescence of colour that look like a kaleidoscope, ever changing in the light.  The moth has no pigment in their wings and all of the colours are actually reflected light giving the appearance of colour when they fly.  Their wings are often asymmetrical too and reflect certain wavelengths of light due to their unique structure.  All the moth needs is light to guide it.  Moths are also known to have acute hearing and they hear sound through their wings.  Sound travels through the air waves allowing them, through their wings, to hear higher frequencies and sense sound vibrations.  They are sensitive little creatures and so much was found about them this morning as the canvas became a picture of them to show and tell.   These moths have been created by God for us to enjoy and marvel at their beauty and uniqueness.  Through nature God is able to teach us and speak to us.  He manifests His glory in amazing ways.   

John 1:3 Through Him all things were made; without Him nothing was made that has been made.

Saturday, 24 December 2016


Pam Finlay
Acrylic on Canvas
December 2016
This painting is of  Freesias.  In this painting they symbolize the sweet fragrance of Christ. 

Freesias are known as the 7th wedding anniversary flower.  In the bible the number 7 signifies completion and perfection.  The number 7 is first mentioned in Genesis 1, God rested on the seventh day. This scripture signifies completion.   The Lord desires for His bride to come into perfection, in a place of calm and in His peace.  The garden within needs to be holy and pure, that's God's divine blueprint.  Amazing how Holy Spirit chose for me to paint these flowers for such a time as this.  Yellow Freesias were traditionally used to convey friendship.  White freesias symbolise innocence.   God desires that we be his friend as He is our closest friend, closer than a brother.  Freesias have the most amazing fragrance. The aroma of Christ Jesus is sweet smelling.  That's what God wants us to be, our lives  a sweet fragrance unto Him and others.  A pure heart is a gift from God, His secret garden is within you.  Spread His aroma wherever you go.  

Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God (Matthew 5:8)
For I am the LORD your God, You shall therefore consecrate yourselves, and you shall be holy; for I am holy(Leviticus 11:44) 
For we are to God the pleasing aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing (2 Corinthians 2:15) 



Saturday, 10 December 2016


Precious and Simply Radiant
The Pearl and the Jasper Stone
Pam Finlay
Acrylic on Canvas


The Jasper Stone, mentioned in scripture is described as most precious and clear as crystal, having transparency and brilliant light emanating. In the Old Testament the Jasper Stone is the last stone on the Priestly Breastplate and the gemstone of the tribe of Benjamin.    In the New Testament the Jasper stone is the first foundation stone of the New Jerusalem.   Jesus is the first and the last.  He is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end.   

The pearl is made when an irritant such as a grain of sand makes its way into the soft tissue of an oyster.  The twelve gates in Revelation 21, each gate was of one pearl. 

Jesus is referred to as “The Pearl of Great Price.  Jesus paid the price.   He paid the debt He did not owe so that we could have eternal life.  We were bought at a price.  He was ransomed so that we could experience freedom.  Christ is infinitely valuable, glorify Him in everything you do. We are of great value to Him too in His Kingdom.

When the Lord searches within your heart he finds this precious treasure and sees the value that radiates from within.  As we are polished by Him our beauty is revealed in the true form.  He is forming you like a multi-faceted diamond, with precious features like the Jasper and the Pearl, shining forth in His glory.  You are His treasure and so very valuable. 

Scriptures: Revelation 21:11,19-21, Matthew 13:43-46, 1 Corinthians 6:20, Revelation 22:13, Revelation 1:8, Exodus 28:15-30.

Blessings and love,
