Tuesday, 18 December 2018


Pam Finlay 
December 2018
Acrylic on Canvas 

There is nothing like the love a parent has for their child.  This painting expresses that love.  It’s a personal journey our life, but it is all the much better for someone to love.  You may be extending your love to your children or maybe your treasured pet(they are your babies too).  

This painting also speaks to me about the relationship we have with Father God.  He is our Papa and we can come to him anytime for His love and support.  He cares for us as we are his children.  

Our earthly life is but a fleeting moment in eternity.  

Love and blessings 

Saturday, 8 December 2018


“Sweeter Than Honey”
Pam Finlay 
Acrylic on Canvas
December 2018

Sweeter Than Honey is His blushing bride.  She’s crowned with Redeeming Love, radiant as the morning light walking in the garden of life.  

Friday, 9 November 2018


Pam Finlay 
Acrylic on canvas
November 2018

Hadassah and those Myrtle blossoms.  

She is a picture of the bride of Christ in all their splendour, highly anticipating the arrival of their King.  The fragrance that emanates from them when the crushing takes place is divine.  Behold the door has been opened for them to enter in.   Jesus is the open door.  He is doing a work in their flesh so that they can radiate and manifest the glory of Yahwah.  

Hadassah speaks of union in marriage as does the Myrtle flower which is the Hebrew emblem for marriage.  

Hadassah was the original name of Esther in the bible.  She is an emblem of victory.  

This is the poem on the painting 

Feeling those butterflies
fluttering in my heart.
Daydreaming came at the beginning 
and gave me quite a start.
Something special is happening,
a change is taking place.
Falling so deep in love with you,
and I seek to see Your face 
                       Pam Finlay 

Lord, help me to emanate you and radiate your presence as the season of marriage approaches.  Prepare me as a bride for your glory.  

Monday, 5 November 2018


“The Rose of His Heart”
Pam Finlay 
Acrylic on Paper
November 2018 

Innocent and Blameless is the Rose of His Heart.  She has a heart of faith and is like a flaming sword, on fire for the Word of God.  

The two words - “Innocent and Blameless” were given to me in worship, to confirm God’s word a day after I started this painting.  When I started painting the Holy Spirit brought me the word “innocence” when I looked at the young lady’s face that I was painting.  The word innocent also means pure.  

The other phrase he placed in my spirit was “the Rose of His Heart”.  His eternally young bride is His rose.  She is both innocent and blameless because of Christ.  He has made a way for her to have both of these traits, to be without blemish in the world she lives in.  He’s calling her to be separate.  
2 Corinthians 6:17 
“So come out from among unbelievers and be separate,” says the Lord, “And do not touch what is unclean; And I will graciously receive you and welcome you(with favor)”.   AMP

The bible speaks of the two words, innocent and blameless, together in two scriptures and He took me there. 

Psalms 19:13 “Keep back Your servant also from presumptuous sins; Let them not have dominion over me. Then I shall be blameless, And I shall be innocent of great transgression.”

Philippians 2:15 “so that you may prove yourselves to be blameless and guileless, innocent and uncontaminated, children of God without blemish in the midst of a [morally] crooked and [spiritually] perverted generation, among whom you are seen as bright lights [beacons shining out clearly] in the world [of darkness].       AMP


Sunday, 30 September 2018


Pam Finlay 
“Spring Creek”
Acrylic on Canvas
August 2018

Locals venture to Spring Creek after the summer rains.  It is Bowen's hidden gem, a special place that comes to life when there's water flowing through it.  When you visit it is like you are going back in time.  The rocks look like fossils and are like none I have ever seen before.  They are full of cavities and so unique, and I wonder if they are found anywhere else.  
Capturing these fascinating qualities of the place is what I have aimed to express in this painting.  You too, can come visit this hidden gem through my eyes, exploring creation's masterpiece.


Sunday, 16 September 2018


Pam Finlay 
“The Water Pourer”
Acrylic on Paper
September 2018 

Fill my cup Lord from the wells of salvation, refresh my soul.  You are my joy Lord.

Jesus said “I am the living water”.  The wells of the world do not quench our soul.  Only Jesus can refresh, restore and renew.  The wells of salvation never run dry.  He is the water pourer, pouring His Spirit out on all flesh.  

Inspired scriptures are:
Isaiah 12:
2 Behold God is my salvation, I will trust and not be afraid; ‘For Yah, the Lord, is my strength and song; He also has become my salvation.’ “
3 Therefore with joy you will draw from the wells of salvation. (NKJV)

Numbers 24:
7 He shall pour water from his buckets, And his seed shall be in many waters.  His king shall be higher than Agag, And His Kingdom shall be exalted.(NKJV)

Ezekiel 36:
24 “For I will take you from among the nations, gather you out of all countries, and bring you into your own land. 
25 Then I will sprinkle clean water on you, and you shall be clean; I will cleanse you from all your filthiness and from all your idols. 
26 “I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; I will take the heart of stone out of your flesh and give you a heart of flesh.”
27 I will put My Spirit within you and cause you to walk in My statutes, and you will keep My judgments and do them.
28 Then you shall dwell in the land that I gave to your fathers; you shall be My people, and I will be your God.”(NKJV)

Acts 2:

17 And it shall come to pass in the last days, says God, That I will pour out of My Spirit on all flesh; Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, Your young men shall see visions, Your old men shall dream dreams.(NKJV)


Thursday, 13 September 2018


“A New Song”
Pam Finlay
Acrylic on paper
September 2018
“A New Song”
The harp of 22 strings and those living letters.  

The harp releases the song as the harpist plays in worship and the pleasant sound goes up to Father God.  The sons are the carriers of God’s song, the frequency of heaven, a glorious anthem of praise. 

Revelation 14:
2 And  I heard a voice from heaven, like the voice of many waters, and like the voice of loud thunder.  And I heard the sound of harpists playing their harps.  
3 They sang as it were a new song before the throne, before the four living creatures, and the elders; and no one could learn that song except the hundred and forty-four thousand who were redeemed from the earth. 


Tuesday, 11 September 2018


"The Royal Bloodline"
Pam Finlay
Watercolour on Paper
September 2018

“Run with the horses, His royal Bloodline is coming forth.  Be bold and determined and don’t hold back.  We have been placed on the earth for such a time as this people of God, to bear fruit and multiply”.

I had been reading a book about the life of Esther for a few weeks now and as I was reading through the book I sensed why I was reading it and why God had me see it at our local library.  Esther was so brave, determined and courageous for her people.  She stood as an example for how God wants us to be.    I was also thinking about the lineage of Christ, the bloodline that began at the cross, one new people from every tribe and tongue and nation.  Many nations coming together to form one new bloodline, the bloodline of Christ.   I was led to call the painting “The Royal Bloodline”.  It is a picture of the bride of Christ, like Esther, with her horse.  God told me “we are to run with the horses”.
The scriptures I was given were
Genesis 1;28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it; and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moves upon the earth.(NKJV)
1 Peter 2:9 But you are a chosen race who serve as Priests for the Kingdom, a holy people, a redeemed assembly; you should proclaim the praises of him who called you from darkness into his excellent light. (Aramaic version)

Friday, 10 August 2018

A Red Breast from God

“A Red Breast From God”
Mixed media Collage
Pam Finlay 
August 2018 

These little scarlet Robins are beautiful birds.  They are sometimes affectionately named “Robin Redbreasts”.  As the dawn awakens their clear flowing song can be heard.  
When I was painting I noticed hearts appearing in the background of the painting as well as one on my finger.  God was speaking to me about having a heart for him.  Remember Christ’s sacrifice for us(the red breast) and know that He is awakening resurrection life within you.  It’s a new day and our clear flowing sound can be heard in all the earth.  

Pam Finlay 

Saturday, 19 May 2018


Pam Finlay 
acrylic on board
May 2018

These leaves, I was led to draw patterns into.  As I was finishing this painting I heard the word "fashioned".  God is fashioning his people, preparing and shaping them into His image.  He is watching the change in His new creations, each one uniquely patterned.  The scripture that is resonating in my heart for this painting is from John 3:8
The Spirit breathes where he will, and you hear his voice, but you do not know from where he comes and where he goes; thus is everyone who is born from the Spirit.(Aramaic Bible)

As the wind blows you do not know where it comes from but you can hear and feel it as it moves the leaves. It's unseen but mighty powerful like the Spirit of God.  I think of the scripture in Acts 2, the sound from heaven coming like a mighty rushing wind on the day of  Pentecost as the Holy Spirit filled the people. 


Friday, 11 May 2018


Pam Finlay
May 2018
Acrylic on Canvas

His sound echoes throughout the earth.  His eyes tell us so much.  He is alive.  He is the Word and He is more active than any two edged sword.  His word penetrates and pierces our hearts, it divides joints and marrow, dividing the soul and spirit. He knows our motives and what is on our heart.  Only He knows how to divide our thoughts and intentions.    He lives in us and His anointing breaks the yoke of bondage.  He is a warring warrior for us.   He intercedes on our behalf and His word divides, separating us unto himself.
As I was painting I kept hearing the word “dissection” and was led to the scripture in

 2 Timothy 2:15 Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
The words “rightly dividing” mean to make a straight cut, to dissect the correct message.  He desires for us to meditate and study His word and through His Holy Spiri t the truth will be revealed. 

God’s word is living.  He desires for us to eat the meat of His Word.  Through his word we are provided with eternal nourishment, our spiritual food. 

Hebrews 4:12 For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.



Saturday, 14 April 2018


Doe a Deer - The Joy of Love
Pam Finlay 
Acrylic on Canvas
April 2018

With this painting the Lord gave me a vision of a female deer and her fawn.  He reminded me of the bible scriptures about the deer.  The beautiful mother deer, how graceful and gentle she is.  So quiet and very protective of her babies.
Song of Songs 2:
7 Promise me, brides-to-be,
By the gentle gazelles
And delicate deer,
That you will not disturb my love
Until she is ready to arise.
8 Listen! I hear my Lovers's voice.
I know it's him coming to me-
Leaping with joy over mountains,
Skipping in love
Over the hills that separate us,
To come with me.
9 Let me describe him:
He is graceful as a gazelle-
Swift as a wild stag.(TPT)

In Psalm 18:33 it reads:
“He makes my feet like the feet of deer, And sets me on my high places.”

‭‭A deer does not fear the rugged mountaintop that is its home.  On those rocky outcrops they never lose their footing.  God is placing our feet like the deer, surefooted in Him and never fearful of falling.  We know that we are standing on the Sure Foundation, the Rock Christ Jesus.

Song of Songs 4:
7 Every part of you
is so beautiful, my darling.
Perfect your beauty,
Without flaw within.
8 Now you are ready, bride of the mountains,
To come climb with me as we climb
The highest peaks together. (TPT)

The scripture that really  blessed my heart was from The Passion Translation version of
Song of Solomon 8:14(The Bridegroom and Bride in Divine Duet)
Arise, my darling!
Come quickly, my Beloved.
Come and be the graceful gazelle with me.
Come be like a dancing deer with me.
We will dance in the high place of the sky,
Yes, on the mountains of fragrant spice.
Forever we shall be
United as one!
I urge you to read the whole of the book of Song of Songs.  The verses are based on Christ's love for His bride.  They are poetry in motion.


Sunday, 11 February 2018


"Daughter of Zion"
Pam Finlay
Acrylic on Canvas
February 2018

Be brave, you daughter of Zion, obey God’s heart for your life.   This painting is metaphorical of God’s chosen people, his set apart ones.

Amazingly the person I was led to find out more about through this painting was a young woman in the bible called Abigail.

Abigail’s story features in the book of 1 Samuel:25.  Her story is one of bravery.  She possessed heavenly intelligence, self control and vision.  She interceded for God at the right time.  She was a wise and determined woman.  In a difficult situation she chose to obey the unction of God and acted in discretion.  Her name means “My Father has made himself joyful”. 

The words “Daughter of Zion” were given to me as I was painting.  The daughter of Zion has the nature of God inside of her.  She possesses a humble spirit and is jealous for God.  She is holy and the redeemed of the Lord.  The light of God resides within her.  God is promising complete restoration for her.    The scripture tells us so in Isaiah 62:11-12.

Isaiah 62:

11 Indeed the Lord has proclaimed
To the end of the world:
“Say to the daughter of Zion,
‘Surely your salvation is coming;
Behold, His reward is with Him,
And His work before Him.’”

12 And they shall call them The Holy People,
The Redeemed of the Lord;
And you shall be called Sought Out,
A City Not Forsaken.




Tuesday, 30 January 2018


Pam Finlay
"On the Wings of a Dove"
Acrylic on canvas
January 2018

The following scripture from the Passion Translation is speaking to me through this painting.  The verses below stand out but the whole of Song of Solomon 2 speaks to my heart for this season.  It’s the season for the dove company to arise and awaken.  God’s love is guiding them through.  He is gathering the ones who have become a living sacrifice unto Him.   They have made an everlasting covenant with Papa God. The doves have found their resting place upon the earth.  Those wine goblets are being filled up and poured out. 
Song of Solomon 2:
1  I am truly his rose,
The very theme of his song.
I am overshadowed by his love,
Growing in the valley.
5 Revive me with your goblet of wine.
 Refresh me again with your sweet promises,
 Help me and hold me, for I am lovesick! 
11 The season has changed,
The bondage of your Barren winter has ended,
And the season of hiding is over and gone.
The rains have soaked the earth.
12 And left it bright with blossoming flowers.
The season for pruning the vines has arrived.
I hear the cooing of doves in our land,
Filling the air with songs
To awaken you and guide you forth.

Thursday, 25 January 2018


"A Table Set for the King"
Pam Finlay
Acrylic on Canvas
January 2018

Feasting on God and His word.  The flowers are blooming and the two candlesticks are alight.  The wine glasses are about to be filled with the Holy Ghost wine and as we partake God will fill us up and pour us out.  Are you ready to take a seat at the table with Him and enjoy the fruit of your labour?
Psalm 128:2 You will eat the fruit of your labor; blessings and prosperity will be yours (NIV)
The Passion Translation version of this scripture reads:
Psalm 128:
1 How joyous are those who love the Lord and bow low before God, ready to obey him!
2 Your reward will be prosperity, happiness and well-being.
3 Your wife will bless your heart and home.  Your children will bring you joy as they gather around your table.


Wednesday, 10 January 2018


Pam Finlay
Acrylic on Canvas
January 2018

This is a picture of a groom twirling his bride while dancing.  To twirl is to rotate rapidly, to turn quickly in a spiral shape.  He reaches for her hand, twirling her around in a circle, leading her in an elegant dance, the more she spins the closer she gets to her groom.


Thursday, 4 January 2018


"I Thee Wed"
Pam Finlay
Acrylic on Canvas
January 2018

This painting is called “I Thee Wed”.
When the bridegroom and bride exchange rings in the wedding ceremony the words spoken are “with this ring I thee wed”.    It is the last part of the wedding vow and the rings seal the bond for life between the groom and his bride. Throughout history the wedding ring has been the emblem of eternity.  It serves as a reminder of the covenant you made on this day before God.  After the vows are exchanged the veil is lifted and the groom kisses his bride. 

As I was painting this I was thinking of the pledge we make to our Saviour, Jesus Christ, on the day we ask him into our heart.   It is so like a marriage vow, a life-long commitment to love, honour and obey the beloved.  We become one with Him on this day.  Two hearts joined as one. 

Song of Solomon 8: 6 Set me as a seal upon your heart, as a seal upon your arm; for love is as strong as death, jealousy as cruel as the grave; its flames are flames of fire, a most vehement flame.  (NKJV)

Love and blessings,