Saturday, 14 April 2018


Doe a Deer - The Joy of Love
Pam Finlay 
Acrylic on Canvas
April 2018

With this painting the Lord gave me a vision of a female deer and her fawn.  He reminded me of the bible scriptures about the deer.  The beautiful mother deer, how graceful and gentle she is.  So quiet and very protective of her babies.
Song of Songs 2:
7 Promise me, brides-to-be,
By the gentle gazelles
And delicate deer,
That you will not disturb my love
Until she is ready to arise.
8 Listen! I hear my Lovers's voice.
I know it's him coming to me-
Leaping with joy over mountains,
Skipping in love
Over the hills that separate us,
To come with me.
9 Let me describe him:
He is graceful as a gazelle-
Swift as a wild stag.(TPT)

In Psalm 18:33 it reads:
“He makes my feet like the feet of deer, And sets me on my high places.”

‭‭A deer does not fear the rugged mountaintop that is its home.  On those rocky outcrops they never lose their footing.  God is placing our feet like the deer, surefooted in Him and never fearful of falling.  We know that we are standing on the Sure Foundation, the Rock Christ Jesus.

Song of Songs 4:
7 Every part of you
is so beautiful, my darling.
Perfect your beauty,
Without flaw within.
8 Now you are ready, bride of the mountains,
To come climb with me as we climb
The highest peaks together. (TPT)

The scripture that really  blessed my heart was from The Passion Translation version of
Song of Solomon 8:14(The Bridegroom and Bride in Divine Duet)
Arise, my darling!
Come quickly, my Beloved.
Come and be the graceful gazelle with me.
Come be like a dancing deer with me.
We will dance in the high place of the sky,
Yes, on the mountains of fragrant spice.
Forever we shall be
United as one!
I urge you to read the whole of the book of Song of Songs.  The verses are based on Christ's love for His bride.  They are poetry in motion.
