"Beyond the Veil"
Acrylic on Canvas
Pam Finlay
Pam Finlay
December 2014
About two weeks ago I was listening to a worship song called
“We Will Ride”. I had been singing it
constantly for a few days when one afternoon I walked into my art room and
looked at a background wash I had done the week before and behold a white horse
was looking at me in the background of the painting. I could his eyes looking at me, his mane, the
bridle and his ears. All I had to do was
outline what I could see in the background (the white horse supernaturally
appeared). Thank you Lord. I knew He was referring to Revelation
19. The white horse and its rider
Jesus. We will ride with the armies of
heaven, dressed in white. The bride
riding alongside Jesus. We will
ride. The righteousness of God. The fire in His eyes is his love for His
As I proceeded to outline the white horse, the veil of the
bride appeared and the title came in “Beyond the Veil”. The presence of God manifest beyond the
veil. Our righteousness in Christ grants
us access to enter. An intimate
relationship in prayer with Him, communing with Jesus is the key to
transformation. Going higher, moving on
up. It’s all about relationship. The Bridegroom desires an intimate
relationship with His bride. The veil
has been removed. This is the day.
He has given us that new identity beyond the veil. He desires us to step into our new identity.
Revelation 1:6
“And he has made us kings and priests to His God and
Father, to Him be glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen”.
The painting revealed that “softness” which shows my love
toward Jesus, which is symbolized by the colours purple, blue and jade. I saw these colours whilst worshipping at
church prior to painting the bride. Like a gentle breeze, Jesus Christ’s Holy
Spirit surrounds us and lives within all who are willing to receive Him. That gentle breeze is calm and refreshing,
calling us deeper into our relationship with the Lord, so that His love can
flow through us and infill us. Jesus is
the substance of our faith. In 1
Kings19:12 The Holy Spirit came to Elijah through a still small voice. As I was painting this the Holy Spirit was
blowing through me like a gentle breeze, quiet and silent, wrapping me in His
He does not always come as a gentle breeze. Sometimes He manifests like a whirlwind as in Job. He spoke to Job out of the storm, giving direction and correction. He humbled Job and brought him to repentance. The Holy Spirit will never leave you. He is always there and it is so important to listen when He speaks.
He does not always come as a gentle breeze. Sometimes He manifests like a whirlwind as in Job. He spoke to Job out of the storm, giving direction and correction. He humbled Job and brought him to repentance. The Holy Spirit will never leave you. He is always there and it is so important to listen when He speaks.
John 4:23
“The true worshippers shall worship the Father in Spirit
and in Truth”
Isaiah 11:2
“And the Spirit of the Lord shall rest on him, the Spirit
of wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of counsel and might, the Spirit of
knowledge and of the fear of the Lord”.
His gift of tongues to us is our weapon against the
enemy. That wonder working power of
Jesus’ blood protects us and gives us power over opposition from the
enemy. We can be His warriors in times of
war. It is only through Jesus.
Revelation 19:11 “Now I saw heaven opened, and behold a
white horse. And He who sat on him was
called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He judges and makes war. “
2 Corinthians 3:16-18“but whenever a person turns to the Lord, the veil is
taken away. Now the Lord is the Spirit,
and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. But we all, with unveiled face beholding as
in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image
from glory to glory, just as from the Lord, the Spirit”.
Blessings and Love
PS If you go to a previous blog called "Zionward" you will see a painting with very similar colours to "Beyond the Veil".
PS If you go to a previous blog called "Zionward" you will see a painting with very similar colours to "Beyond the Veil".
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