Sunday 2 February 2014


Pam Finlay - Painting entitled "Winds of Change" 2013

Change is the absence of familiarity, an opportunity to embrace new challenges, to do something different from what you’ve always done.
“Winds of Change” signal a change in the weather like when strong winds herald an approaching storm.   Metaphorically in life sometimes unanticipated and sudden changes occur in our circumstances.  But when the wind has gone things often return back to normal.  These “winds” are often transitory and usually pass but your world can be turned upside down by these moments

The winds constantly change, transforming the environment just as God desires for spiritual transformation, transitioning us to where he wants us to be - truly manifested into likeness and character of Christ, into the fullness of Christ, Ephesians 3 V19, Ephesians 4 V13, Ephesians 4 V24.
The winds of change are on their way, shifting us into new ways, a deeper level of understanding and obedience.  They are beginning to take hold in the Word like never before.  Life as we have known it up until now is about to change and we need to be spiritually prepared for what lies ahead, learning to hear God’s voice and walk in His ways in a much greater capacity.


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